After a few days of thinking and experimenting, I’ve been convinced that `copy` (and also `__copy__`) is not the right protocol for what we want to do here. I believe that 584 can likely continue without subclass-preserving behavior, but that better behavior could perhaps could be added to *all* built-in types later, since it’s outside the scope of this PEP.
My opinion is that Python built-in types make subclassing unnecessarily(?) awkward to use, and I would like to see that change.
Yes! But, on further reflection, I don’t think this is the correct way of approaching it.
For example, consider subclassing float. If you want your subclass to be actually usable, you have to write a whole bunch of boilerplate, otherwise the first time you perform arithmetic on your subclass, it will be converted to a regular old float… This is painful and adds a great amount of friction to subclassing.
`float` is a *perfect* example of the problems with the way things are currently, so let’s focus on this. Currently, subclassing `float` requires ~30 overridden methods of repetitive (but non-trivial) boilerplate to get everything working right. However, calling the `float` equivalent of `dict.copy()` on the LHS before proceeding with the default implementation wouldn’t help us, because floats (like many built-in types) are immutable. So a new, plain, built-in `float` would still be returned by the default machinery. It doesn’t know how to construct a new, different instance of our subclass, and it can’t change one it’s already built. This leads me to believe that we’re approaching the problem wrong. Rather than making a copy and working on it, I think the problem would be better served by a protocol that runs the default implementation, *then* calls some under hook on the subclass to build a new instance. Let’s call this method `__build__`. I’m not sure what its arguments would look like, but it would probably need at least `self`, and an instance of the built-in base class (in this case a `float`), and return a new instance of the subclass based on the two. It would likely also need to work with `cls` instead of `self` for `classmethod` constructors like `dict.fromkeys`, or have a second hook for that case. By subclassing `float` and defining `__build__` to something like this: ``` class MyFloat(float): … def __build__(self, result): Return MyFloat(result, some_state=self.some_state) … ``` I could now trust the built-in `float` machinery to try calling `lhs.__build__(result)` on the result that *would* have been returned *before* returning it. This is a simple example, but a protocol like this would work for mutables as well.
A more pertinent example, from dict itself:
If `dict` *were* to grow more operators, they would likely be `^`, `&`, and `-`. You can consider the case of subclassing `set` or `frozenset`, since they currently has those. Calling `lhs.copy()` first before updating is fine for additive operations like `|`, but for subtractive operations like the others, this can be very bad for performance, especially if we’re now *required* to call them. Again, doing things the default way, and *then* constructing the appropriate subclass in an agreed-upon way seems like the path to take here.
Changing all builtins is a big, backwards-incompatible change.
If implemented right, a system like the one described above (`__build__`) wouldn’t be backward-incompatible, as long as nobody was already using the name. Just food for thought. I think this is a much bigger issue than PEP 584, but I'm convinced that the consistent status quo should prevail until a suitable solution for all types can be worked out (if ever).