When I donate to PSF, how does that work, what do I sponsoring?


- Payment processing
- Prioritization and allocation
- Project Management
  with plans as RST documents on GitHub,
  issues on Roundup (bug and feature triage)
  discussions on mailing lists,
  discussions on discourse
- Software Development
  GitHub pull requests
- Release management
- More Fundraising & Marketing & PyCon

*We could* sponsor a part or full-time developer as an employee of our organization, or donate to PSF to sponsor sprints and/or developers

On Thursday, June 27, 2019, Wes Turner <> wrote:

On Thursday, June 27, 2019, Ewa Jodlowska <> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 8:28 PM Wes Turner <> wrote:
When companies donate as PyCon sponsors (and get brand recognition) do those donations also go to PSF?

Yes, the PSF produces PyCon. PyCon sponsorships are used to help offset PyCon expenses. If PyCon has a surplus, it is the PSF's revenue. PyCon's surplus is the biggest source of revenue for the PSF.

You can add the **Python Software Foundation** to a Charity Navigator "Giving Basket" and get one receipt:

"Charity Navigator's Methodology"

Is there any way to donate cryptocurrency to PSF yet? 

Currently, we do not. 

All of these orgs accept BTC donations:

Just sending to an address doesn't get you a receipt for tax purposes; there are firms that support donations by exchanging for USD at that time and depositing to the configured account.

That's good to know! If you know more info on this, please let me know. I can share it with our accounting team to review.

Re: PSF accepting cryptoasset donations

Wikimedia, Save The Children, UNICEF, United Way, Mozilla, EFF, and FSF, for example, all accept cryptocurrency donations.

OpenCollective reviews a number of possible payment solutions: (now with a GitHub poll in the issue description)

From GuideStar (which, like Charity Navigator, also has nonprofit evaluation criteria) :

> Accepting donations in Bitcoin can reduce the financial transaction fees a nonprofit owes.  With Bitcoin, the costs are significantly lower compared to checks, credit cards, and other digital options, and if your organization is a registered 501(c)(3), there are zero transaction fees on platforms such as Coinbase or Bitpay.  There is also no risk of bank charges accruing to the nonprofit in the case of a donor using a fraudulent credit card. 

* Merch: It may be worth accepting cryptocurrency payments for PSF merch like T-Shirts, Mugs, Polo shirts:

  * Coinbase Commerce integrates with a number of major eCommerce platforms:

* SCHEMA.ORG/Offer and schema:Product markup improves SEO; so that when I search for "PSF shirt" with an voice assistant on my way to PyCon, some portion of that revenue should go to PSF

* From a conversation with Eric Holscher regarding ReadTheDocs' ethical ads revenue model,

  * Yeti makes solid drinkware that can be customized with a logo:

  * And, for accounting, Zapier automates connections between a bunch of APIs with e.g. QuickBooks Online; which can save accounting's time for things like copying merch invoices to the accounts payable, refund, and chargeback accounting ledgerd.

* Integrating E.G. Shopify with QuickBooks doesn't require any Zapier Zaps. Shopify also integrates with e.g. Amazon Fulfillment so that they can manage inventory, returns, and shipping with their warehouses and efficient logistics platform.:

* There's a CreativeCommons-licensed logo SVG on Wikipedia. Organizations listed on the Merch page have pledged to donate a portion of their proceeds to PSF:

* What mailing list and/or CRM can I opt-into with my PSF donation? Is there a periodic breakdown of expenses that I can backseat-drive and micromanage?

From Charity Navigator, it looks like PSF had about $ 2,500,000 in donation revenue a few years ago.

Is there some form of a voluntary nonprofit sustainability report; the the now #GlobalGoals-aligned GRI Standards?