From: "Michael Foord" <fuzzyman@voidspace.org.uk>
Maybe Python needs a good mocking module in the standard library. There are plenty, but we use a particularly nice one at Resolver Systems [1]. :-)
-1 This comes up occassionally and gets shot down. http://bugs.python.org/issue708125 Mock objects mean different things to different people. Some expect more simulated behavior and others want less. It's rare to find agreement about general purpose mock objects and frameworks. Mock libraries create their own complexities and burdens on a programmer's memory. It's often easier to create a small special case mock object than to remember how to configure a general purpose one. And, afaict, there is no fan club for some particular python mock object library -- it seems to only come up in general discussions about possibilities for growing the unittest module, and almost never comes up in the context of solving a real problem that hasn't already be addressed in some other way. Raymond