[Tim, sez the 1.6 feature set should be considered frozen, and that Python should move to a much less sloth-like release schedule thereafter] [esr@thyrsus.com]
OK, I can buy this.
Comes with a 30-day warranty, too <wink>.
Are there concrete plans (as in, a specified timeframe) for a release in which new features will be admitted?
There damn well ought to be. PythonLabs will be having its first all-hands meeting tomorrow (Guido's been gone, I've been in this state less than a week, & I'm still not sure Jeremy Hylton exists), and rational, timely release schedules are certainly on my agenda. I have no problem with new features in minor releases either, provided they're 100% backward-compatible (e.g., list comprehensions, yes (so long as they don't introduce new bytecodes); having str(long) strip the trailing "L", no). More when we know more. and-less-when-we-know-less-ly y'rs - tim