On 4/20/21 10:03 AM, Mark Shannon wrote:
Then came PEP 563 and said that if you wanted to access the annotations of an object, you needed to call typing.get_type_hints() to get annotations in a meaningful form.
This smells a bit like enforced static typing to me.

I'm working to address this.  We're adding a new function to the standard library called inspect.get_annotations().  It's a lot less opinionated than typing.get_type_hints()--it simply returns the un-stringized annotations.  It also papers over some other awkward annotations behaviors, such as classes inheriting annotations from base classes.  I propose that it be the official new Best Practice for accessing annotations (as opposed to type hints, you should still use typing.get_type_hints() for that).


This will get checked in in time for Python 3.10b1.

