On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 11:02 AM Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev < python-dev@python.org> wrote:
How a standard by ANSI, ECMA and/or ISO is any better than a standard by the PSF?
I don't think what the PSF is producing is truly a standard.
Is PSF bad at "controlling its growth and avoiding featuritis" in your opinion or smth?
It's not the PSF I have an issue with. It's having a reference implementation. I think the PSF has done a pretty good job of keeping in mind what other Python implementations can realistically do also - but doing so is an uphill battle. I believe Python needs to become more independent of CPython, for Python's long term health. Think of C. Where would it be if it had K&R C as a reference implementation, long term? There are dozens, maybe hundreds of mostly-compatible implementations of C. I think this should be Python's goal. Look where not having a standard got Perl. It is so defined by a single implementation that the language is collapsing under its own weight. Perl 6 is so not-perl that it was renamed. Python is much less guilty of exuberant design, that's part of what I like about Python, but like I said, having a reference implementation instead of a standard makes that more difficult.
On 12.02.2021 21:33, Dan Stromberg wrote:
What would it take to create an ANSI, ECMA and/or ISO standard for Python?
It seems to have really helped C.
It looks like Java isn't standardized, and it's done OK, though perhaps it was healthier in the past - before Oracle decided API's were ownable.
I think standardizing Python might be really good for controlling its growth and avoiding featuritis.
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-- Regards, Ivan
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