https://discuss.python.org/t/3-7-2rc1-and-3-6-8rc1-cutoffs-ahead-last-3-6-x-... OK, thanks to a lot of hard work by many of you, I think we are ready to start the manufacturing of **3.7.2rc1** and **3.6.8rc1**. For the **3.7 branch**, as usual feel free to continue to merge the usual changes appropriate for a `bugfix` branch; unless otherwise marked and agreed on as a **release blocker** for 3.7.2 final, any new 3.7 merges will be released in 3.7.3. For the **3.6 branch**, as announced 3.6.8 is planned to be **the last bugfix release** for the 3.6 series; future 3.6.x releases will be as needed and contain **only security fixes** and source only. Of course, if any release blocker regressions show up after 3.6.8rc1, we will consider merging fixes for them. This means that, **as of now, the 3.6 branch is no longer open to normal bugfixes**, only security fixes and release blocker regressions fixes and only with the approval of the release manager. Therefore, as we have done with previous branches moving to security-fix mode, merges to the 3.6 branch on the `cpython` GitHub repo are now restricted to the release managers. If you feel a change to 3.6 is needed either because it is a **release blocker regression** in 3.6.8 or because it is a **security issue**, please ensure there is a bpo issue describing the problem, mark it as **release blocker** priority, and submit the necessary PR. At some point, on or after the 3.6.8 release, we will be going through the open 3.6 PRs, open PRs with the `needs backport to 3.6` label, and bpo issues marked for 3.6 and updating or closing them as needed. **Please do not mark new PRs with the** `needs backport to 3.6` **label** unless you feel the proposed change meets one of the criteria above. Thanks for your help! -- Ned Deily nad@python.org -- []