On 9/9/2021 1:56 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:
On 9/9/21 9:37 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
While I think int.to_bytes() is pretty obscure (I knew about it, forgot about it, and learned about it again!) I’m not so sure it’s any less obscure than a proposed bytes.fromint().
So why don’t we just relax int.to_bytes()’s signature to include natural default values:
int.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder=sys.byteorder, *, signed=False)
Default arg values are one of Python's great features.
Then I ought to be able to just do
>>> (65).to_bytes() b’A’
That seems so much worse than
>>> bchr(65) b'A'
Except that .to_bytes already exists, and arguably should have had such defaults from the beginning, making any new function to do the same thing superfluous. -- Terry Jan Reedy