On 07/09/2010 15:02, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
On 01:33 pm, phd@phd.pp.ru wrote:
Hello. Thank you for the offer!
On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 06:36:10PM +0530, Prashant Kumar wrote:
My name is Prashant Kumar and I wish to contribute to the Python development process by helping convert certain existing python over to python3k.
Is there anyway I could obtain a list of libraries which need to be ported over to python3k, sorted by importance(by importance i mean packages which serve as a dependency for larger number of packages being more important).
As there is already Python 3.2 alpha, the core of Python has already been ported - and this mailing list is for discussion of development of the very Python, not about working on 3rd-party libraries.
How about the email package?
Right, and there are other standard library modules (cgi, ftplib, nntplib, etc) that either need fixing or auditing as to how they handle bytes / strings. Michael
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