Hi, 2016-04-20 18:12 GMT+02:00 Brett Cannon <brett@python.org>:
Can you please wait for a PEP? Brett Canon and Ethan Furman are working on a PEP.
I was actually going to send this email when I got in to work today, but Victor and timezones beat me to it. :)
Ha ha, bitten by the french connection!
I thought Chris and I w/ Ethan helping with coding, but if it's just me for the PEP then that's fine; luckily my firefighter gear is well-worn: https://goo.gl/photos/R8oWdLE45d99ebaw8
LOL, it seems appropriate for this topic...
I'll try to get a PEP draft written and posted prior to PyCon US. I will reply to any dangling comments/issues that have appeared overnight to close those threads, but otherwise I will start ignoring all discussions so I can focus on the PEP. Everyone can now consider themselves spared from any further path-related discussions. :)
I hesitated to propose to create a fspath-sig mailing list, but I suck at humor and so I skipped this joke in my email ;-) Victor