The Python Developers Guide specifically states to get VS2017 for developing or enhancing python on a Windows system.


Is it still correct to specifically use VS2017 , or is VS2019 also acceptable?


I ask this because I know that the *.vcproj files and other build-environment files have changed format pretty dramatically over the many releases of VS.  If a potential new contribution targeted for current and future python will require new build environment files, I wouldn’t want to have to “down release” those files (or expect core dev’s to do it) at or after submission to the community for approval.  Much better to use the same setup as core dev’s use than to introduce up-level differences in the build environment.


IOW, for new releases on Windows are core dev’s still using VS2017 and so potential contributors should also use that version, or has the core dev’s process for Windows releases been updated to use VS2019?


