On 4/6/2012 4:11 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
Another alternative is the public lists-of-clocks.
After watching this thread with amusement and frustration, amusement because it is so big, and so many people have so many different opinions, frustration, because it seems that few of the clocks that are available are anywhere near ideal for any particular stated characteristic, and because none of the APIs presented provide a way for the user to specify the details of the characteristics of the desired clock, I think this idea of a list-of-clocks sounds better and better. Hopefully, for each system, the characteristics of each clock can be discovered, and fully characterized in available metadata for the clock... tick rate, or list of tick rates maximum variation of tick rate precision maximum "helicopter drop" jump delta monotonicity frequency of rollover or None base epoch value or None behavior during system sleep, hibernate, suspend, shutdown, battery failure, flood, wartime events, and acts of God. These last two may have values that are long prose texts full of political or religious rhetoric, such as the content of this thread :) any other characteristics I forgot to mention Of course, it is not clear that all of these characteristics can be determined based on OS/Version; hardware vendors may have different implementations. There should be a way to add new clock objects to the list, given a set of characteristics, and an API to retrieve them, at least by installing a submodule that provides access to an additional clock.