On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, James C. Ahlstrom wrote:
... OK, I now have a new module "zipfile" which reads and writes ZIP files. It is written in Python and has been tested on Windows and Linux. I tested it with WinZip and found that the files it creates are read OK with WinZip, and WinZip files are read OK with zipfile. So I am withdrawing my Python archive file format, and re-writing all my stuff using zipfile. It should all be done in a week.
Can you post zipfile.py so that people can starting reviewing that?
... Python seems to lack a CRC-32 function, so I wrote one in Python. It is slow. We need to add a CRC-32 function to some Python built-in module that it always present, like md5 or binascci. The zlib module is not necessarily present.
See zlib.crc32() This is interesting, of course, because we have previously stated that zlib (and its compression) is optional. But if we need the CRC-32 function... hehe... Cheers, -g -- Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/