which is what `os.PathLike` represents, hence why `str` isn't covered by it);
wait, what? It seems so clear to me that "PathLike" (as a type specifier) would mean: anything that can be passed into os.fspath to give me a path. (or, of course to the stdlib functions that take paths)
Isn't the entire purpose of os.fspath that you can write code like:
def fun(some_kind_of_path):
some_kind_of_path = os.fspath(some_kind_of_path)
(or just pass it to a function you takes PathLIke)
and go on your merry way -- e.g. duck typing, baby!
Is there really no way to annotate that simply now?
-- Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)
Python Language Consulting
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- Scientific Software Development
- Desktop GUI and Web Development
- wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython