On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 10:50 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
On Wed, 9 May 2012 10:44:59 -0400
Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
> > I wish there was a builtin class
> >
> >     class record:
> >        pass
> >
> >   which can be used to create objects which have only attributes
> >   and no methods.
> I have heard this request now a bazillion times over the years. Why don't
> we have such an empty class sitting somewhere in the stdlib with a
> constructor classmethod to simply return new instances (and if you want to
> get really fancy, optional keyword arguments to update the instance with
> the keys/values passed in)? Is it simply because it's just two lines of
> Python that *everyone* has replicated at some point?

In this case, it's because sys is a built-in module written in C, and
importing Python code is a no-go.

Sure, but couldn't we define this "empty" class in C code so that you can use the C API with it as well and just provide a C function to get a new instance?


We have a similar problem with ABCs: io jumps through hoops to register
its implementation classes with the I/O ABCs.

