I've been tossing some ideas around w/r to adding pragma style declarations to Python and would like to hear what you think about these: 1. Embed pragma declarations in comments: #pragma: name = value Problem: comments are removed by the tokenizer, yet the compiler will have to make use of them, so some logic would be needed to carry them along. 2. Reusing a Python keyword to build a new form of statement: def name = value Problem: not sure whether the compiler and grammar could handle this. The nice thing about this kind of declaration is that it would generate a node which the compiler could actively use. Furthermore, scoping would come for free. This one is my favourite. 3. Add a new keyword: decl name = value Problem: possible code breakage. This is only a question regarding the syntax of these meta- information declarations. The semantics remain to be solved in a different discussion. Comments ? Thanks, -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Business: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/