On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy@udel.edu> wrote:
> IIRC in the Java world you *have* to
use 'Returns', but I don't buy the argument from nit-picky grammarians
that leads to this rule. (It's something about the documentation not
being a command. But English is more flexible than that.)

My take is that 'Returns' describes to the programmer what the function (interpreter) does, while 'Return' says what the programmer says to the interpreter when using the function. I strongly prefer the directive form.


I don't think "Returns bar." is a valid English sentence because it lacks subject.  I would not mind

def foo():
      """returns bar"""

which I would read as "Function foo() returns bar," but in this case "returns" should be in lower case.