On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 11:26 AM Skip Montanaro <skip.montanaro@gmail.com> wrote:
I subscribe to the python/cpython stuff on GitHub. I find it basically impossible to follow because of the volume. I realize there are probably plenty of extra changes going in based on the recent language summit (and maybe some sprints at PyCon?) as well as the proximity to the beta 1 freeze. Still, does anyone actually try to follow everything that comes out of that firehose? I've received updates to about 125 new GMail conversations (more total messages than that) in the last 24 hours, and that's after using filters to delete Miss-Islington-type messages altogether. As far as I can quickly ascertain, all the messages are from real people, not bots.
How (if at all) do people deal with this firehose of email? Am I the only person dumb enough to have tried?
If no one replies, then you might be the only brave soul trying. 😉 I stopped years ago even under bpo. -Brett
I used to scan for csv-module-related messages, but don't even try to do that now. My only real reason for continuing to subscribe is that it feeds into a process that updates a dictionary of "common" words used by my XKCD-936-derived password generator.
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