On Nov 26, 2015 4:53 PM, "Nick Coghlan" <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27 November 2015 at 03:15, Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org> wrote:

> > Likewise in Ubuntu, we try to keep deviations from Debian at a minimum, and
> > document them when we must deviate.  Ubuntu is a community driven distro so
> > while Canonical itself has customers, it's much more likely that feedback
> > about the Python stack comes from ordinary users.  Again, my personal goal is
> > to make Python on Ubuntu a pleasant and comfortable environment, as close to
> > installing from source as possible, consistent with the principles and
> > policies of the project.
> I'd strongly agree with that description for Fedora and
> softwarecollections.org, but for the RHEL/CentOS system Python I think
> the situation is slightly different: there, the goal is to meet the
> long term support commitments involved in being a base RHEL package.
> As the nominal base version of the package (2.7.5 in the case of RHEL
> 7) doesn't change, there is naturally going to be increasing
> divergence from the nominal version.

I think the goal in rhel/centos is similar, actually.  The maintenance burden for non upstream changes has been acknowledged as a problem to be avoided by rhel maintainers before.  The caveat for those distributions is that they accumulate more *backports*.

However, backports are easier to maintain than non upstream changes.  The test of the upstream community helps to find and fix bugs in the code; the downstream maintainer just needs to stay aware of whether fixes are going into the code they've backported.

> I tried to go down the "upstream first" path with a properly supported
> "off switch" in PEP 476, and didn't succeed (hence the monkeypatch
> compromise). It sounds like several folks would like to see us revisit
> that decision, though.
That's the rub.  If there's now enough support to push this upstream I think everyone downstream will be happier.  If it turns out there's still enough resistance to keep it from upstream then I suppose you cross that bridge if it becomes necessary.
