That makes it a much better candidate for GHOP that SoC, which requires projects with a little more meat on them.
Yes it does. Though many organizations have taken to funding their own GHOPs. Perhaps this year PSF can use the SoC funds ($500/student) to host a bounty-sprint program much like GHOP? IIRC, GHOP paid $100 per 3 tasks. With the economy in the tank this could attract a lot more than highschool students. Honestly I wish SoC was structured more like GHOP, it seemed much more effective and for the same funding could run year-round. Or the same funds could be used to host various optimization competitions, replacement Py3 extension/type/function must match API and pass unit testing. Fastest solution wins (ie) $1000 and fame for the person or team that submitted it. Something to keep in mind and for the PSF board to ponder for this Fall.