"TP" == Tim Peters <tim_one@email.msn.com> writes:
Grabbing the GregS/BillT enhancement is probably the most practical thing we could build on right now
You got some pointers?
TP> Download python2c (http://www.mudlib.org/~rassilon/p2c/) and TP> grab transformer.py from the zip file. The latter supplies a TP> very useful post-processing pass over the parse module's output, TP> squashing it *way* down. The compiler tools in python/nondist/src/Compiler include Bill & Greg's transformer code, a class-based AST (each node is a subclass of the generic node), and a visitor framework for walking the AST. The APIs and organization are in a bit of flux; Mark Hammond suggested some reorganization that I've not finished yet. I may finish it up this evening. The transformer module does a good job of incuding line numbers, but I've occasionally run into a node that didn't have a lineno attribute when I expected it would. I haven't taken the time to figure out if my expection was unreasonable or if the transformer should be fixed. The compiler-sig might be a good place to discuss this further. A warning framework was one of my original goals for the SIG. I imagine we could convince Guido to move warnings + compiler tools into the standard library if they end up being useful. Jeremy