On Tue Dec 02 2014 at 2:15:09 PM Donald Stufft <donald@stufft.io> wrote:
On Dec 2, 2014, at 2:09 PM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
On Tue Dec 02 2014 at 1:59:20 PM Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org> wrote:
On Dec 02, 2014, at 06:21 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
Well, if I'm going to be the Great Decider on this then I can say upfront I'm taking a pragmatic view of preferring open but not mandating it, preferring hg over git but not ruling out a switch, preferring Python-based tools but not viewing it as a negative to not use Python, etc. I would like to think I have earned somewhat of a reputation of being level-headed and so none of this should really be a surprise to anyone.
I think it's equally important to describe what criteria you will use to make this decision. E.g. are you saying all these above points will be completely ignored, or all else being equal, they will help tip the balance?
Considering Guido just gave me this position I have not exactly had a ton of time to think the intricacies out, but they are all positives and can help tip the balance or break ties (I purposely worded all of that with "prefer", etc.). For instance, if a FLOSS solution came forward that looked to be good and close enough to what would be a good workflow along with support commitments from the infrastructure team and folks to maintain the code -- and this will have to people several people as experience with the issue tracker has shown -- then that can help tip over the closed-source, hosted solution which might have some perks. As for Python over something else, that comes into play in open source more from a maintenance perspective, but for closed source it would be a tie-breaker only since it doesn't exactly influence the usability of the closed-source solution like it does an open-source one.
Basically I'm willing to give brownie points for open source and Python stuff, but it is just that: points and not deal-breakers.
This sounds like a pretty reasonable attitude to take towards this.
If we’re going to be experimenting/talking things over, should I withdraw my PEP?
No because only two people have said they like the experiment idea so that's not exactly enough to say it's worth the effort. =) Plus GitHub could be chosen in the end. Basically a PEP staying in draft is no big deal.