On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Alexander Neundorf <alex.neundorf@kitware.com> wrote:
What options ?
Compilation options. If you build an extension with distutils, the extension is built with the same flags as the ones used by python, the options are taken from distutils.sysconfig (except for MS compilers, which has its own options, which is one of the big pain in distutils).
Can you please explain ?
If you want to stay compatible with distutils, you have to do quite a lot of things. Cmake (and scons, and waf) only handle the build, but they can't handle all the packaging done by distutils (tarballs generation, binaries generation, in place build, develop mode of setuptools, eggs, .pyc and .pyo generation, etc...), so you have two choices: add support for this in the build tool (lot of work) or just use distutils once everything is built with your tool of choice.
It is easy to run external tools with cmake at cmake time and at build time, and it is also possible to run them at install time.
Sure, what can of build tool could not do that :) But given the design of distutils, if you want to keep all its packaging features, you can't just launch a few commands, you have to integrate them somewhat. Everytime you need something from distutils, you would need to launch python for cmake, whether with scons/waf, you can just use it as you would use any python library. That's just inherent to the fact that waf/scons are in the same language as distutils; if we were doing ocaml builds, having a build tool in ocaml would have been easier, etc... David