hola. That's awesome that you put the timeout functionality into the C-level socket module. I'd vote that it is "The Right"(tm) way to include this feature in the standard library. You guys rock! I couldn't get to the web site you indicated, so pardon this question if I could have found the answer on-line somewhere. How did you handle the _fileobject class in the standard socket.py? The version in Python-2.2 will lose data if the underlying socket raises an exception during a read() or readlines(). Basically, these two routines use a local variable to store the incoming data -- and that local variable will go out of scope after the exception during recv(). I believe that the TimeoutFile class in the socket.py version I thew together fixes this issue. Of course, you may have already noticed and fixed this, too. Again, very awesome! -- TimO "Everything I did in life that was worthwhile I caught hell for." - former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren
From: Bernard Yue <bernie@3captus.com> Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 01:49:02 -0600 To: "Timothy O'Malley" <timo@alum.mit.edu> Cc: skip@pobox.com, python-dev@python.org, mgilfix@eecs.tufts.edu Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] timeoutsocket.py
Timothy O'Malley wrote:
I've taken a whack at option #1 (grand unification of socket and timeoutsocket).
It's larger than I'd prefer to send in email. If you are interested:
-- TimO
Tim, this is a complete rewrite of timeoutsocket.py. It is quite an effort :)
1. Shall we merge socket.py and timeoutsocket.py?
It certainly is possible to merge TimeoutSocket and _socketobject. If the merge was done in a straightforward manner, then every TCP socket would use Python code (instead of C code) for recv() and send() methods. Some might consider this an unacceptable performance hit.
I agree on the performance issue. Over the past two weeks, Michael Gilfix and I moved ahead with the implementing of timeout socket in C level. Michael translates what you've done in timeoutsocket.py and put it into socket.c. So far we did nothing to TimeoutFile. The proposed patch is basically done (except for the test case). You can find it on http://www.3captus.com/Downloads/.
We are now working on the test case for connect() and sendfoo(). Currently, test for connect() is done by trying a timeout connect to an external site (same to what you've done). However, we wanted to remove the external dependency on standard python test suit. So far no luck of make it working, and I cannot make sendfoo() to raise timeout error at all.
Would you like to help us with the test?
-- There are three schools of magic. One: State a tautology, then ring the changes on its corollaries; that's philosophy. Two: Record many facts. Try to find a pattern. Then make a wrong guess at the next fact; that's science. Three: Be aware that you live in a malevolent Universe controlled by Murphy's Law, sometimes offset by Brewster's Factor; that's engineering. -- Robert A. Heinlein