On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Larry Hastings <larry@hastings.org> wrote:

 But I can cite at least one place in the standard library that would have been better if it'd been implemented as a module property: 


I wish there were a property feature available almost very time I encounter a "get*" method in the stdlib (or any where):

There are a heck of a lot in the os module:

In [4]: [s for s in dir(os) if s.startswith('get')]


Many of those may be good use-cases for getters, but still...

And just yesterday I was getting annoyed by some in sysconfig:

In [6]: [s for s in dir(sysconfig)  if s.startswith('get')]


modules serve the very useful function of a global singleton -- if we think properties are a good idea for classes, then they are a good idea for modules...



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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