Thank you everyone for your responses. I entirely accept that I should have brought this up earlier, perhaps much earlier. In my defence, when PEP 563 first came on my radar I assumed that get_type_hint() would be improved before it became the default behaviour, AFAIK it hasn't really changed. In particular the subtle changes to scope described in detail in PEP 649 [1] are still there and are still a big headache for pydantic. As Paul Ganssle says, my timing was not great, but it could also have been worse. I also never meant to create an "us versus them" style discussion, I was just worried about the narrow time window I had and the likelihood that my voice would not be heard, hence sounding as impassioned as I did. For a fairly comprehensive description of why PEP 563 represents challenges to pydantic, I defer to Łukasz Langa (the instigator of PEP 563) who has explained it very clearly in another thread "[Python-Dev] PEP 563 in light of PEP 649" [2]. Samuel [1] - [2] -