July 29, 2013
1:07 p.m.
On 29 Jul, 2013, at 14:58, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
Le Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:49:18 +0200, Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren@mac.com> a écrit :
This PEP proposed to add a __locallookup__ slot to type objects, which is used by _PyType_Lookup and super_getattro instead of peeking in the tp_dict of classes. The PEP text explains why this is needed.
Differences with the previous version:
* Better explanation of why this is a useful addition
* type.__locallookup__ is no longer optional.
* I've added benchmarking results using pybench. (using the patch attached to issue 18181)
Could you please run the whole benchmark suite? http://hg.python.org/benchmarks/
Sure. Ronald