On Mon, 09 Sep 2013 17:11:21 +0200, Jesus Cea <jcea@jcea.es> wrote:
On 06/09/13 21:34, R. David Murray wrote:
Note that I said that single signon *itself* was overrated. If you use the same token to authenticate to multiple sites (and here the 'token' is the email address) then your identities on those sites are ipso facto associated with each other. *If* that email address is also never leaked (never displayed, even to other signed on users, all communication with the site encrypted), then you only have to worry if the sites exchange information about their accounts, or if the government comes knocking on their doors....
Yes, I'm paranoid. That doesn't mean they aren't listening.
Being paranoid is good. Fix for this is actually trivial: Use different emails for different "personalities".
Yes, that's exactly my point.
If you are doing things you really NEED to hide, virtual machines and TOR is the way to go.
Well, it would helpful if a lot more people started routing traffic through TOR even when they didn't NEED to. I plan to start doing so soon. --David