Hi Steve,

Thanks for your reply. While dataclass provide a cleaner API than DictRow (you can access `row.id` instead of `row["id"]`).
However, dataclass still use the built in `__dict__` instead of  `__slots__`.

>>> @dataclass
... class InventoryItem:
...     '''Class for keeping track of an item in inventory.'''
...     name: str
...     unit_price: float
...     quantity_on_hand: int = 0

>>> cf = InventoryItem("cornflakes", 0.99, 123)
>>> cf
InventoryItem(name='cornflakes', unit_price=0.99, quantity_on_hand=123)
>>> cf.__dict__
{'name': 'cornflakes', 'unit_price': 0.99, 'quantity_on_hand': 123}

This means that the users reading large files won't see the suggested memory improvements.

On the other hand, I'm willing to implement CSVReader classes for both. `DataClassCSVReader` does offer the
benefit of row instances being mutable, `NamedTupleCSVReader` can be useful for people leaning toward functional
programming style, where queries on CSV are only meant to find items or calculate quantities quickly without actually
modifying the rows.

I would be more than happy to know whether such PR would accept.

Best regards

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 8:39 AM Steve Holden <steve@holdenweb.com> wrote:
Since 3.7 it may be that dataclasses offer a cleaner implementation of the functionality you suggest. It shouldn't be too difficult to produce code that uses dataclasses in 3.7+ but falls back to namedtuples when necessary. You may wish to consider such an implementation strategy.

Best wishes,
Steve Holden

On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 10:59 PM Oz Tiram <oz.tiram@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Python-devs,

The csv module is probably heavily utilized by newcomers to Python, being a very popular data exchange format.
Although, there are better tools for processing tabular data like SQLite, or Pandas, I suspect this is still a very popular
There are many examples floating around how one can read and process CSV with the csv module.
Quite a few tutorials show how to use namedtuple to gain memory saving and speed, over the DictReader.
Python's own documentation has got a recipe in the collections modules[1]
Hence, I was wondering why not go the extra step and add a new class to the CSV module NamedTupleReader?
This class would do a good service for Python's users, especially newcomers who are still not aware of
modules like the collections module.
Would someone be willing to sponsor and review such a PR from me?
As a smaller change, we could simply add a link from the CSV module's documentation to the recipe in the collections module.
What do you think?

Best regards

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Nothing to kill or die for
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Imagine there's no countries
it isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace