"GS" == Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> writes:
GS> Definitely having an OSI certification will be great (cool GS> stuff on the cert for the existing license!). Having Bruce GS> Perens review the license would also be a great boon (see GS> www.perens.com for some of his writings; also see GS> http://perens.com/Termination.html specifically). Interesting article, but IBM's termination clause was different than the JPython one. I fought hard on para7 because IIRC, RMS complained that an earlier version /could/ have been used to arbitrarily terminate. I think the current JPython para7 is better because /you/ have to materially breach, which seems like a much higher threshold. But it still may not be perfect. Aside: don't necessarily think I'm a grinning fan and defender of the JPython license. It's a huge win over what we had before, and I think it's good enough that nearly anybody who wants to do Real Things with JPython, now can. I've had only one question about the license since it was published and that was about the "displayed prominently" clause (i.e. was it okay to include the alternative handle text in an "about" menu pulldown? That seemed prominent enough to my nonlawyerly brain.) I'm glad to see the Python community push hard for the "other side's viewpoint" with reasoned and rational arguments. I think that such responses from Influential Python Users will provide us with useful ammunition when we re-evaluate the licenses. It means that ultimately we'll have the right license for Python (and JPython). Thanks, -Barry