I don't think duplicating python.exe as python2.exe or python3.exe would be very much work at all, if we decide it is a good thing. Sure it doesn't resolve all the myriad problems of Python on Windows but I don't think that is a good reason not to consider it. Up to Martin on this one though and again depends if we just make recommendations or actually change Python 2.7.
Changing the installer should be easy - there is a DuplicateFile table in MSI (*) for this kind of installation task. I'd still like the PEP to tell me whether it's python3w.exe or pythonw3.exe (and yes, that's bikeshedding - so somebody just tell me). It would also be good if the PEP took a position on providing pythonXY.exe binaries on Windows (with the related question of whether it's python32w.exe, python3.2w.exe, pythonw32.exe or pythonw3.2.exe) Regards, Martin (*) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368335(v=vs.85).aspx