Trent> But if you don't want the EOLs? Example from some code of mine: Trent> raise MakeError("extracting '%s' in '%s' did not create the " Trent> "directory that the Python build will expect: " Trent> "'%s'" % (src_pkg, dst_dir, dst)) Trent> I use this kind of thing frequently. Don't know if others Trent> consider it bad style. I use it all the time. For example, to build up (what I consider to be) readable SQL queries: rows = self.executesql("select cities.city, state, country" " from cities, venues, events, addresses" " where cities.city like %s" " and events.active = 1" " and venues.address = addresses.id" " and addresses.city = cities.id" " and events.venue = venues.id", (city,)) I would be disappointed it string literal concatention went away. Skip