On 09/01/2020 13:16, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Hi Michael, and welcome!

On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 11:37:33AM +0100, Michael wrote:

I am not questioning the demands of the lint checker - rather - I am
offering my services (aka time) to work through core to make CPython
pass it's own (I assume) PEP recommendations or guidelines.
That would create a lot of code churn for no good reason. The CPython 
project doesn't encourage making style changes just for the sake of 
changing the style.

Code churn is not my goal. Passing pypa/packaging CI (as Paul commented) is only required by them - afaik. And a tool, such as `black` can fix these things automagically. But it got me thinking as it is not the first time I have been forced to make a style change because there is a new tweak that can be turned - yet ignore everything else. Further, this is something I would expect to be extremely boring to someone wanting to make functional improvements, rather than just "sweeping the floor".

So thanks you for your clear responses! Discussion closed.

Best wishes for 2020!

The most important part of PEP 8 is this:


Going through the entire stdlib creating bug reports for style issues is 
not a productive use of anyone's time. There are large numbers of open 
bug reports and documentation issues that are far more important.

Regarding strings, PEP 8 doesn't recommend either single quotes or 
double quotes for the std lib, except that doc strings should use triple 
double-quotes. Each project or even each module is free to choose its 
own rules.
