I wonder how often this is needed. The only occurrences of year() in the entire Zope source that I found are in various test routines.
These methods and others are used a lot in presentation code, which tends to be expressed in DTML or ZPT.
It's not uncommon to select/catagorize things by year or month.
I think most people would find individual date-part methods a lot more natural than tuples.
OK, that explains a lot. For this context I agree, although I think they should probably appear as (computed) attributes rather than methods. Properties seem perfect.
I imagine that once we change strftime() to accept an abstract time object, you'll never need to call either timetuple() or year() -- strftime() will do it for you.
Maybe, if I use strftime, but I don't use strftime all that much.
Maybe you should. :-)
I can certainly think of even formatting cases (e.g. internationalized dates) where it's not adequate.
Then a super-strftime() should be invented that *is* enough, rather than fumbling with hand-coded solutions. --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)