Skip Montanaro wrote:
These various discussions are moving along a bit too rapidly for me to keep up. We have been discussing language issues which are going to impact Python 3.0, either by deprecating current language constructs which can't be eliminated until then (e.g., the global statement) or by tossing around language construct ideas which will have to wait until then for their implementation (other mechanisms for variable access in outer scopes). Unfortunately, I'm afraid these things are going to get lost in the sea of other python-dev topics and be forgotten about then the time is ripe.
Maybe this would be a good time to create a py3k@python.org mailing list with more restrictions than python-dev (posting by members only? membership by invitation?) so we can more easily separate these ideas from shorter term issues and keep track of them in a separate Mailman archive. I'd suggest starting a Wiki, but that seems a bit too "global". You can restrict Wiki mods in MoinMoin to users who are logged in, but I'm not sure you can restrict signups very well.
I would support doing *something*. My personal hell that is all of these threads seems to be getting deeper and deeper. But making it invitation-only might stifle some ideas. But then again it might be a while before Python 3 has to be worried about so maybe that is not that big of an issue now. God I hope Raymond has PEP 289 updated before the next summary is due. -Brett