I would rather keep `bchr` and lose the `.fromint()` methods.
For me, "bchr" isn't a readable name. If I expand mentally expand it to "byte_character", it becomes an oxymoron that opposes what we try teach about bytes and characters being different things. Can you show examples in existing code of how this would be used? I'm unclear on how frequently users need to create a single byte from an integer. For me, it is very rare. Perhaps once in a large program will I search for a record separator in binary data. I would prefer to write it as: RS = byte.fromint(30) ... i = data.index(RS, start) ... if RS in data: Having this as bchr() wouldn't make the code better because it is less explicit about turning an integer into a byte. Also, it doesn't look nice when in-lined without giving it a variable name: i = data.index(bchr(30), start) # Yuck ... if bchr(30) in data: # Yuck Also keep in mind that we already have a way to spell it, "bytes([30])", so any new way needs to significantly add more clarity. I think bytes.fromint() does that. The number of use cases also matters. The bar for adding a new builtin function is very high. Raymond