"Phillip J. Eby" <pje@telecommunity.com> writes:
At 04:27 PM 12/29/03 +0100, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
In my own sandbox, I have prepared project files for VC.NET.
Unless there are any strong objections, I'd like to switch over to VC.NET shortly, disabling VC6 builds. In the process, I will also update the build dependencies to more recent versions of several packages.
Was the question of mingw32-built extensions ever resolved? That is, will we be able to build extensions for the standard Windows Python using the distutils' "mingw32" compiler, as is possible with Python 2.2?
It is (pretty close) to being solved - recent versions of mingw32 allow building with msvcr71 via a -lmsvcr71 flag. However, last time I tried this, the generated linker commands didn't quite work, and needed a bit of fiddling. I have the latest mingw, though, so I can easily try this. Paul -- This signature intentionally left blank