Hi all,

Last year I was struggling to get some code to pass CI in pypa/packaging. There were other issues, but one that suprised me most was learning to ALWAYS use double quotes (") to get the code to pass the lint check (type checking). Anything using single quotes (') as string delimiters were not accepted as a STRING type.

I am not questioning the demands of the lint checker - rather - I am offering my services (aka time) to work through core to make CPython pass it's own (I assume) PEP recommendations or guidelines.

Again, this is not a bug-report - but an offer to assist with what I see as an inconsistency.

If my assistance in this area is appreciated/desired I would appreciate one or more core developers to assist me with managing the PR process. Not for speed, but I would not want to burden just one core developer.

My approach would entail opening a number of related 'issues' for different pieces: e.g., Lib, Modules, Python, Documentation where some Lib|Modules|Python pieces might need to be individual 'issues' due to size and/or complexity.

I do not see this as happening 'overnight'.

so-called simple things to fix:

In Documentation:

The return value is the result of the evaluated expression. Syntax errors are reported as exceptions. Example:

x = 1

Change the text above to state eval("x+1") - assuming the lint process would no longer accept eval('x+1') as proper typed syntax.

And, then, hoping this is still regarded as 'simple' make sure code such as ctypes.util.find_library() is consistent, returning strings terminated by double quotes rather than the single quotes as of now.

>>> import ctypes.util
>>> ctypes.util.find_library("c")
>>> 'libc.a(shr.o)'

>>> ctypes.util.find_library("ssl")
>>> 'libssl.a(libssl.so)'

Something more "complex" may be the list of names dir() returns:
>>> >>> import sysconfig
>>> dir(sysconfig))
['_BASE_EXEC_PREFIX', '_BASE_PREFIX', '_CONFIG_VARS', '_EXEC_PREFIX', '_INSTALL_SCHEMES', '_PREFIX', '_PROJECT_BASE', '_PYTHON_BUILD', '_PY_VERSION', '_PY_VERSION_SHORT', '_PY_VERSION_SHORT_NO_DOT', '_SCHEME_KEYS', '_USER_BASE', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '_expand_vars', '_extend_dict', '_generate_posix_vars', '_get_default_scheme', '_get_sysconfigdata_name', '_getuserbase', '_init_non_posix', '_init_posix', '_is_python_source_dir', '_main', '_parse_makefile', '_print_dict', '_safe_realpath', '_subst_vars', '_sys_home', 'get_config_h_filename', 'get_config_var', 'get_config_vars', 'get_makefile_filename', 'get_path', 'get_path_names', 'get_paths', 'get_platform', 'get_python_version', 'get_scheme_names', 'is_python_build', 'os', 'pardir', 'parse_config_h', 'realpath', 'scheme', 'sys']
