One of my main engineering concerns is lack of shared knowledge a.k.a. the truck factor (not CPython specific, btw, just every project I work on). So I'm always keen to get multiple people working on new code asap. I also prefer installers to be treated as part of the product and updated with whatever changes affect it, though that basically never happens in my experience :) I assume the PEP will need updating if it specifies the exact path, and the installer readme may have a reference too. Presumably it'll only affect 3.5, as previous versions wouldn't use the directory for anything other than installing scripts. Cheers, Steve Top-posted from my Windows Phone ________________________________ From: Paul Moore<mailto:p.f.moore@gmail.com> Sent: 2/10/2015 6:41 To: Steve Dower<mailto:Steve.Dower@microsoft.com> Cc: Nick Coghlan<mailto:ncoghlan@gmail.com>; Python Dev<mailto:python-dev@python.org> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 370 - per-user scripts directory on Windows On 10 February 2015 at 14:13, Steve Dower <Steve.Dower@microsoft.com> wrote:
The installer will also need some changes to add it to PATH, which should be fairly straightforward, but ping me if you need/want pointers. (It's checked in now, so I consider it fair game for anyone who wants to change it.)
I was sort of hoping you'd be doing that independently, but never mind :-) I'll give it a go and shout if I get stuck. Paul