Others have replied with most of this covering my opinion but there's a point I'd like to highlight here

On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 14:23, Mark Shannon <mark@hotpy.org> wrote:
Hi Daniel,

On 20/11/2020 10:50 am, Daniel Moisset wrote:
>  (... snipping for brevity ...)
>  1. You mention a goal about "erroneous patterns" (which I'm still not
>     sure I agree on), and your proposal addresses that by forcing
>     classes to be explicit (via __atributes__ and __deconstruct__) about
>     what attributes are accepted as matches. This is against one design
>     principle that's not in your list but it was (at least implicitly)
>     in PEP622 and 634: "pattern matching must allow matching objects on
>     types not specifically designed for it"; this will allow to apply
>     this feature to classes that you can not modify (like instances
>     created by a 3rd party library ). That's why PEP634 relies on
>     getattr() ; that could be extended in the feature (providing some
>     override using attributes like yours) but that wouldn't be required
>     by default

Why force pattern matching onto library code that was not designed for
pattern matching? It seems risky.

Fishing arbitrary attributes out of an object and assuming that the
values returned by attribute lookup are equivalent to the internal
structure breaks abstraction and data-hiding.

An object's API may consist of methods only. Pulling arbitrary
attributes out of that object may have all sorts of unintended side-effects.

PEP 634 and the DLS paper assert that deconstruction, by accessing
attributes of an object, is the opposite of construction.
This assertion seems false in OOP.

I think your description about what you and I call OOP lies at the center of why we're unlikely to agree on what's the best approach on class patterns.

The Python I write and tend to use allows and encourages the use of the dot operator (aka "Fishing arbitrary attributes out of an object") and the libraries I use expose through it important parts of the API which doesn't follow the style you mention where  "An object's API may consist of methods only.". Of course I rely on properly documented attributes, like datetime.date.year, Fractional.denominator, JSONDEcodeError.message (in the stdlib) or fields I defined in my django models, or things like  requests.response.status_code (in 3rd party libraries that I used as is or by extending). Those are all types of objects that I'd like the proposal to allow as subjects of a match statement and attributes that I'd like to have in lookups. Given that I can not force a lot of 3rd party libraries to add a new special attribute `__attributes__`, our proposal relies on the standard `getattr()` API (which is the core operation on Python object model to doing most things with an object, even calling methods).

I've used other OOP languages within that style were attributes have to be explicitly exposed, and even so that's disencouraged and they follow the principle of "API=only methods". And I can imagine some people could choose to write Python like that, even if I don't and most of the libraries I use don't either. For people with that philosophy about OOP, our pattern matching proposal will be horrible and useless and they can choose not to use the match statement, ever. The argumentation behind the proposal is implicitly based on the assumption that *most* Python developers consider the dot operator one of the "natural" ways to expose object interfaces in Python, even if it can pull attributes and use non-method APIs. If you think that assumption is false, we'll have to agree to disagree but I don't see how we could get to a common vision on how class patterns should behave.

When we added the "with" statement, there was no attempt to force
existing code to support it. We made the standard library support it,
and let the community add support as and when it suited them.

We should do the same with pattern matching.

With our proposal, nothing forces the existing code to support it, they support it naturally using their existing attribute access API (through the dot operator). One advantage that the with statement had is that it's quite easy to wrap an object that wasn't designed to be used as context manager in another that can (the stdlib even provides a common example of that with contextlib.closing). Trying to use something like that (writing "match wrapper(obj): ..." where obj doesn't support some match protocol and the wrapper adds it) is non viable in pattern matching, because there are many cases where the object that needs support might be many levels of indirection (through item/key/attribute access) behind the subject object.

The current proposals using getattr is useful as is (Even if limited in some cases). Again that doesn't discard the opportunity of adding an extended protocol that allows decomposing using other APIs beyond attribute access (I would love to match datetime.dates on weekday, for example, but that's a method), but that doesn't need to be in place for the first version and can be added later.
