On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 9:57 PM Tim Peters <tim.peters@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's not obvious to me that insertion order is even the most obvious or
> most commonly relevant sort order.  I'm sure it is for Larry's program, but
> often a work queue might want some other order.  Very often queues
> might instead, for example, have a priority number assigned to them.

Indeed, and it makes me more cautious that claims for the _usefulness_
(rather than just consistency) of an ordered set are missing an XY
problem.  The only "natural" value of insertion-order ordering for a
dynamic ordered set is that it supports FIFO queues.  Well, that's one
thing that a deque already excels at, but much more obviously,
flexibly, and space- and time- efficiently.

I agree with Tim and David.

Furthermore, I'd like to point out that the core built-in types are frequently archetypes or foundational paradigms for many derived concepts in 3rd-party libraries. Despite the fact that they have implementations, they also form a basis set of interfaces which are part of the lexicon of "Pythonic-ness".  Something like a "set" is a very very common and useful base interface for programming.  If we were to cloud or confound the (relatively clean) semantics around sets & set algebra by introducing ordinality, that same cloudiness will spread throughout the ecosystem.

Unlike dict()s, which are a more computer science-y data structure with lots of details, sets are simple things with mathematical algebraic properties. These allow the user to compactly specify *what* they want done, without delving into the details of *how*. In my experience, this is always preferable, for ease of use, ease of learning, and correctness.  Adding orderedness as a concern now imposes an additional cognitive burden onto the coder because they must be concerned with *how*.

Ultimately, even if we establish that there is major utility in insertion-ordered sets, unordered sets also clearly have utility as well (as a more relaxed interface, with fewer promises).  So in that case, which do we want as the default?  I think about it like this: In a future time when sets maintain insertion order by default, every time I see library docs that require casting sets via collections.unordered_set() will feel like sand in the semantic vaseline.  I would much rather have things the other way around.

I don't really have a horse in this race, and I'm sure the dev community will arrive at a good resolution to this issue.  However, I would just encourage folks to think less about "utility of the implementation", and more about "economy of semantics".  As Larry pointed out earlier, ordered dicts posed a problem for MicroPython. This actually isn't a minor issue -- in the long run, forked semantics are a Bad Thing for the language (even for a language that is incorrectly eponymized with snakes!).
