Today, without much fanfare, we opened the new PythonLabs website. The design is by BeOpen's creative Director, Jun Simmons. Thanks to Jeremy Hylton, who did most of the actual HTML editing to get our contents in place. The new beta will be released via this site. And since you python-dev folks will find this out through my checkins anyway, let this be an advance warning that it will be called Python 2.0. Here's my explanation for the version bump (soon to be checked in to README): """ While Pythoneers have grown fond of Python's exceedingly slow version incrementing, that same quality makes parts of the rest of the world think Python is barely out of its first alpha test. Especially enterprise customers are often fearful of anything that's version 1.x! The new version number also clearly marks Python's departure from CNRI. Previously, the version number 2.0 was associated with a mythical and elusive incompatible future release. That release (still ways off, and not as incompatible as people fear!) is now referred to as Python 3000. """ --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)