On Mar 02, 2012, at 02:48 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
Consider: an application that uses 8-bit strings everywhere and blows up on non-ASCII data in Python 2 has at least a fighting chance to run unmodified *and* handle Unicode properly on Python 3. Because unicode literals are gone, a Unicode-aware Python 2 application currently has *no* chance to run unmodified on Python 3.
On its face, this statement is incorrect. It *might* be accurate if qualified by saying "a Unicode-aware Python 2 *web* application". I say "might" because I'm not an expert on web frameworks so I defer to those who are. It certainly can't be applied to the entire universe of Unicode-aware Python 2 applications.
Accordingly, I'd like to ask folks not to stress too much about the precise wording until I get a chance to update it over the weekend :)
/me takes a deep breath. :) -Barry