[Please excuse my ranting... :-)]
No problem -- you're not complaining about *our* software <wink>.
I've received the first round of notification message from the patch manager and can't really say that I like them. Ok, I understand that the patch manager is still alpha or beta software, but these messages really don't have any usable content at all:
""" Patch #100646 has been updated. Visit SourceForge.net for more info.
I expect the title of the patch was also in the Subject line, yes? And a live link to the patch is certainly "usable". I've found both those right on target as I've been assigned or deassigned to patches so far, although I'd sure like to see something in the body saying exactly *what* about the patch "has been updated". Not saying I think it's good enough, am saying it's (barely) a start.
Also, reviewing the patches has become a pain
I don't understand that, in that the text of the patch is what you got before, and what you can get now. Is your complaint here specifically that patches don't show up in your mailbox by magic? Or something else?
and discussing them is nearly impossible (I don't consider the slashdot like comment mechanism to be of any use: there's simply no audience for discussion).
Wholly agreed there. So use python-dev for discussions for now; I agree too with Guido that the rampant but inconsistent x-posting between patches and python-dev was part of the problem.
Is there any chance of tee'ing patches from SF to the patches list or some other patch discussion and review forum ?
I expect you know as much about SF's possibilities as anyone <0.5 wink>: don't know. The SF docs are either non-existent or inadequate, far as I can tell, and I believe I share a mistaken belief with Fred Drake that new patches "should" *already* be showing up on the patches list.
I do understand that the mechanism can help with patch *checkins*,
Yes, but not yet as much as it should (e.g., the default view of patches lacks basic info like the patch current status, and there's apparently not yet any way to define a different view).
but it's certainly not going to help much with the discussion step needed before conidering any actions.
Python-Dev now, possibly roundup later. OTOH, it's perfectly adequate for tiny little principal-reviewer <-> submitter give-and-take; many patches are really quite trivial.
The independent peer review principal doesn't work with this kind of setup.
I think your view is warped on this one, as you've been in the extremely favored position of pumping out crucial patches for a hot area. Most other peoples' patches have been flatly ignored for *months* now. It's not necessarily bad if other people get some attention now too <wink>.