However, I also believe that when teaching it's better to introduce the "right way" to do something up front, rather than a "beginners' way", then later say, well, you really SHOULD do it this other way... So if we want our students to use print as a function, we might a well start them off
On 31 May 2014 02:47, "Chris Barker" <chris.barker@noaa.gov> wrote: that way. Saying that their very first easy program is:
print("hello world")
is fine -- they don't have to know or understand what a function call is
-- they simply copy the syntax. And frankly, we get to simple function calls, VERY early in the program -- you can't really do anything without them... OK, that's a fair criticism of that particular argument, so I'll stop using it. There are others, though: * improve consistency between IPython's existing implied call support and vanilla Python 3.5+ * retroactively make a lot of Python 2 examples also valid for Python 3.5+ * ease the migration to Python 3 for ad hoc utility scripts (which often use print heavily) * reduce the syntactic noise in migration patches (although large applications tend to use print less than scripts do) * largely eliminate one of the *human* barriers to migration from Python 2 (forgetting the parens for print at the interactive console and in ad hoc scripts) I already have too many other things on my todo list to work this up into a full PEP, but the proof of concept (along with IPython's existing support) shows there's no *technical* barrier to adding the feature. It's a question of whether or not we *want* to blur the boundary between simple statements and simple imperative function calls like that. Cheers, Nick.