[Skip Montanaro <skip.montanaro@gmail.com>]
I subscribe to the python/cpython stuff on GitHub. I find it basically impossible to follow because of the volume. ... How (if at all) do people deal with this firehose of email? Am I the only person dumb enough to have tried?
My observation is that, over time, all sources of email strive to enlist the aid of every electron in the universe to transform all of creation into more copies of its output, directed to my gmail account. I gave up. These days, if Google doesn't put something in the "priority" section of my gmail inbox, chances are the only thing I'll see of it is a fraction-of-a-second glance at the subject line as I check the "select all" box, on page after page, before deleting it. That gets done every day almost as often as clicking on "report spam and unsubscribe". I fondly remember the days when email volume was merely unbearable ;-)