On Jun 21, 2012 10:12 AM, "Chris McDonough" <chrism@plope.com> wrote:
> - Install "package resources", which are non-Python source files that
>  happen to live in package directories.

I love this phrasing, by the way ("non-Python source files").

A pet peeve of mine is the insistence by some people that such files are "data" and don't belong in package directories, despite the fact that if you gave them a .py extension and added data="""...""" around them, they'd be considered part of the code.  A file's name and internal format aren't what distinguishes code from data; it's the way it's *used* that matters.

I think "packaging" has swung the wrong way on this particular point, and that resources and data files should be distinguished in setup.cfg, with sysadmins *not* being given the option to muck about with resources -- especially not to install them in locations where they might be mistaken for something editable.