2009/11/5 David Lyon <david.lyon@preisshare.net>:
Call it the new Tarek egg...
The tegg? ;-)
l'oeuf ?
While I like 'tegg' a lot ;) , I would like to make it clear that "eggs" are not part of Distutils. That's the Setuptools format. Although there's a distinction to make between the *installation* format, and the *distribution* format (sdist, bdist, etc) Right now we have several installation formats which leads to problems I won't mention here. PEP 376 is working on a default, unified, *installation* format, that tries to gather the good ideas of Pip, Setuptools etc.. and propose a unified format for our site-packages. This new standard will come with APIs in pkgutil to be able to query installed distribution etc. This work is also linked to PEP 345 work where we are modifying the Metadata, and to PEP 386 that proposes a standard version comparison scheme. But there's no plan to include a new *distribution* format in Distutils. In any case those PEPs are not finished yet, so everyone can help at distutils-SIG Regards Tarek