David Cournapeau wrote:
In python 2.6, there have been some effort to make float formatting more consistent between platforms, which is nice. Unfortunately, there is still one corner case, for example on windows:
print a -> print 'inf' print '%f' % a -> print '1.#INF'
The difference being that in the second case, the formatting is done in floatformat.c (in stringobject.c), whereas in the first case, it is done in format_float (in floatobject.c). Shouldn't both functions be calling the same underlying implementation, to avoid those inconsistencies ?
Yes, float formatting definitely needs some rationalization. While this isn't the exact issue discussed in http://bugs.python.org/issue3382, it is related, and Windows is the reason I had to back my fix out right before the freeze for 2.6 and 3.0. It's on my list of things to fix. http://bugs.python.org/issue4482 might also be related, and I'll fix that, too. If you could either add a comment to 3382 (with this test case) or open another bug and assign it to me (eric.smith), I'd appreciate it. Happy New Year, all! Eric.