On 24 February 2018 at 16:45, Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org> wrote:
On Feb 21, 2018, at 19:03, Dan Stromberg <drsalists@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is flake8 that much better than pylint, that pylint wouldn't even be discussed?

I honestly don’t use pylint all that much these days, but when I was evaluating them years ago, I found pylint to be too noisy about not-incorrect code.  I also liked how flake8 has a very nice plugin system, and I use that on my personal projects to enforce a consistent style.  It’s certainly possible that both tools have advanced significantly since I last made my personal decision.

When I recommend pylint, I try to make it clear that the command I personally recommend is `pylint -E`, as that's the level that automates checking for outright bugs (name errors, attribute errors, etc), as well as effectively checking for clever dynamic variable and attribute injection code that is likely to confuse human readers in addition to confusing static analysers.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia